Brake Shoe:-Started manufacturing Brake shoes for After market.


Start Supplying Indian Defance


First OEM company:- Scooter India.


NCAT Approved Brake test for LML Scooter-150 cc(Petrol engine) & Brake Pannel Assemblies Approved in Electric Vehicles such as Hero electric, Lohia, Yo Bykes others.


Premium Supplier of E-Rickshaw Brake Drum Assemblies with market share of 75-80 % (Only OEM). I CAT Approved Brake systems for E-Rickshaw and E-Bikes.
NCAT approved brake test for LML 200cc scooter & LML FREEDOM motorcycle 110cc (Petrol Engine). Scooter and Freedom motorcycle 110 CC.


Developed Combi Brake system, Connected with new launched E-BIKES companies like Okinawa Scooter & Kinetic Green.


Entered in the Industry of Tractor and Earth movers being the partner of ACE ( Largest crane manufacture in India ).


Launched New products in segment of E-Rickshaw as the demands increased by E-Rickshaw Customers. Keeping in mind to be the partner in growth of OEMs.


Hoping to expend domestically & globally. Trying to launch new products with the customer base of OEM'S. Hoping to join the bigger OEM's & make our roots more strong in the Industry of automotive.